

dead highway

side a
dead highway3:43
dead in atlantic city5:01
down south3:27
sunrise over the highway5:56
sawed off shotgun4:56
side b
murray road6:23
interstate 153:50
somewhere on the edge of town7:32
at the end of the old mine road5:22
1-84 85-149 150-204 205-246 247-266
1 - 84, black+red85 - 149, grey+red/black150 - 204, grey+black205 - 246, grey+red247 - 266, grey/red+red
woodblock print, red vinyl with black streaks, limited 266 - 84 of style 1, 65 of style 2, 55 of style 3, 42 of style 4, 20 of style 5 - big picture shows style 2 (grey+red/black)
voice, guitar, noise, words, recording, art ... wolfram reiter
drums ... albin kratzer
recorded in april 2012, mixed in july 2012
previous releasefollowing release
road to wineville - in the distance a black riverroad to wineville - in the distance a black river blackmud river - you did do me no goodyou did do me no good